In this emotionally charged thriller, Harper is forced to face horrifying secrets of her childhood in order to give her daughter a better future. But...
Mulberry Stains
John Rotit is a happy, content man with a loving wife. Hours later, he's a rock star shooting up heroin. And after that...he's something far more...
Alternate Realities
Sandy's past transgression, with her fiance's best friend Roman, comes back to haunt her when he becomes their best man. Roman is mentally unbalanced...
Nightmare Wedding
John Brock is a down-on-his-luck archaeologist who returns from an expedition to the caves of rural Kentucky after unsuccessfully trying to locate a...
Devil's Revenge
When Renee's shy teenage daughter Deandra finally makes a friend, Olivia, she is thrilled. After Olivia's initial bossiness turns into emotional...
Psycho BFF
Invited to visit her boyfriends family Christina discovers a murderous family secret leading her to fear for her relationship and safety,
Secrets in the Snow