The infamous mad scientist and his enigmatic assistant are loose in modern day Ontario, committing horrific acts in order to create a brand-new...
The Abominations of Frankenstein
Fans of an obscure Canadian TV series embark on a location bus tour. When the bus breaks down in a junkyard, this band of misfits find themselves at...
Bug-Eyed Monsters Invade the Earth!
When the miserly Ebeneezer Scrooge receives ghostly visitations one fateful Christmas Eve, he is shown the error of his ways.
A Christmas Carol
The cast of a horror movie reunites to celebrate their success and get more than they bargained for in Marlowe House. Can they survive a horrifying...
Legend tells of a hideously disfigured murderer who stalked the Garnier Opera House leaving a trail of terror and bloodshed. With strange occurrences...
A Phantom of the Opera
The sensational details of a gruesome murder in The Daily Gazette have London in a panic, as a blood-thirsty madman - more vicious than Jack the...
Sherlock Holmes and the Shadow Watchers
A suburban Gothic inspired by German expressionism, the works of Jean Rollin, and the Original 'Vamp' herself Theda Bara!
Blood Rites of the Vampyr