When Elina, a young aspiring rapper forced to move from Finland to southern France, meets Sofia, her new step-sister and an impressive ballerina, she...
Jill and Joy receive a mission from their neighbors Tingelstein and Tangelstein: the ladies send the girls to look after their absentminded inventor...
Jill, Joy and the Sleeping Clock
Taisto does not prosper at school. To make up the absense from art classes, he must shoot a short film. Taisto is interested in Eeva, and he asks her...
Arts & Violence
An comedy set in 1960s Helsinki. The story revolves around Elsa, a resolute hatmaker who is in complete control of her life. Besides running her...
August Fools
Midsummer in Sweden; somewhere above the Arctic Circle. Many curious stories unfold in a small Finnish-speaking village, while the sun never sets.
The Longest Day
A melancholic day set in the autumn of 2021 becomes a hazy adventure when broken hearts of two millennials meet. The heroes embark on a rampant and...
Apple Thieves