Brett Sugarman wants to be the next breakout comedian in NYC, except for the fact that he's terrible at comedy. Failing at every available...
The Improviser
"KAREN" is a short film about a young woman who is pushed to the edge of sanity from her family and society. Culminating on an unforgettable...
"In For Business" is about a mild-mannered man from the Mid-West who comes to NYC on a business trip. In celebration of a closing a big deal for work...
In For Business
When NYC’s Broadway theater season opens, Katie Sarasola is looking for her big break and producer Kenny Schumacher needs to have a surefire...
Lincoln The Musical
A brutal break up precipitates an unexpected meeting and two sisters are forced to confront their long standing tension.
Two Little Bitches
In the late 1970's a group of young adults go camping near the old abandoned Freak Show Camp. Legend has it, the bearded lady's son, a...
Daytrip Massacre