After being brutally assaulted, an incident which also saw the death of his parents and the rape of his younger brother (which mentally scarred him...
In 1990, a teenager called Angel Cruz disappears tragically. Ten years later, her classmates that were involved with this accident start to...
Angel Negro
When Bruno, a filmmaker overwhelmed by alimony, receives an ultimatum from his editor to find a subject that help them with ratings, a political...
El Derechazo
The adventures of a young man as he moves from the Latin-American revolutions in the sixties and seventies, through Hungary in the eighties, to the...
A young, successful and attractive executive gets depressed after an unwanted pregnancy that will push her to take a look at her personal life,...
The story of two brothers who get involved with a sexy stripper and her boss, the nightclub king of Santiago, as told from three perspectives.
The Newcomers