In this Indian take on the classic superhero story, a young baby from the doomed planet Krypton is sent to Earth, where he is adopted by an elderly...
Dhanalakshmi, who is in love with Balaji, runs away when her family tries to get her married to another man. However, her life takes a turn when she...
Ullasanga Utsahanga
A heart warming romantic tale of Sanjay and Anupama and their journey together over the years, about their first met, their growth in friendship,...
Phalana Abbayi Phalana Ammayi
Super Police is a 1994 Telugu film directed by K Murali Mohan Rao. The film stars Venkatesh, Soundarya, Nagma and Brahmanandam in lead roles.
Super Police
Ranga is a mind reader who tells what is in the minds of the people by just touching them. Over the years, because of certain people, he becomes a...