Tsukasa Hojo's original "City Hunter" is a very popular comic that started serializing in "Weekly Shonen Jump" in 1985 and has a cumulative...
City Hunter -The Stolen XYZ- / Fire Fever!
FFF - Ludwig van Beethoven instigated a musical revolution of such historical proportions that we still know his name today. And yet the man bearing...
fff -Fortississimo- / Silk Road ~A Bandit and a Jewel~
Takarazuka Star Troupe, 2015. A Musical Fable of Broadway Based on a story and characters by Damon Runyon. Music and Lyrics by FRANK LOESSER Book...
Guys and Dolls
Set in a fictitious duchy in medieval France. This is the story of how the son of an earl grows up as he searches for the truth about the death of...
Le Muguet
-- One Samurai from Kagoshima -- Set during the troubled times of the early post-shogunate period, this story takes place in a region known as the...
One Samurai from Kagoshima / Romance!!
The 2013 Takarazuka Star Troupe production of Gérard Presgurvic's "Romeo & Juliette".
Romeo & Juliette
2014 Takarazuka Star Troupe Shinjin Koen (Newcomer's Performance) production of Napoléon, the Man Who Never Sleeps ~At the End of His Love and...
Napoléon, the Man Who Never Sleeps ~At the End of His Love and Glory~ (Shinjin Koen)
“They have a grand history, but they don’t have any money!” Such is the historic little country Pecchieno. Their prime minister,...