A history of Argentine horror cinema, from its beginnings in 1934 to present day. It is a path of defeat, dead-end streets and triumphs, where the...
Another Cursed Movie
This is the story of a successful family of artists and an unlikely blended family, told through what for some is the worst Argentine film in history...
Después de un buen día
A scientifical error makes Slash, the bloody villain from the animated strip Chevysaurios, come to life. Slash goes on a murder spree, so the people...
Ignacio Pereztrona (Vic Cicuta / Víctor Melman) is a tough anti-drug police officer, after being captured by a gang of drug traffickers who...
They Call Him One Eye Faggot
In the jurisdiction of the police chief Lombroso, mutilated and heartless corpses appear. The commissioner investigates an alleged gang that traffics...
El Latido Desnudo