The happy lives of three best friends from school are brutally upended when Hei breaks up with her fiancé. High flyer Kimmy and director May...
A revolver falls into the hands of series of characters from the bustling district of Mongkok to the mainland port city of Shenzhen.
The Runaway Pistol
Six Hong Kong roommates vow to each accomplish something daring or wonderful within one year.
Truth or Dare : 6th Floor Rear Flat
Kei's eldest sister Sandra is a hot-tempered magazine editor and her temperament has left her single all this while. One of the family rules is that...
All's Well, Ends Well 2009
Arrogant day trader, Raymond, experiences a series of setbacks as he tries to cross from Hong Kong to Kowloon.
Escape from Hong Kong Island
When aimless Joe is dumped by his mercurial girlfriend, Flora, he finds an unusual way to win her back: a magical website that allows users to win...
Break Up Club