Ke Ghar Ke Dera is a comedy-drama film directed by Dipendra K. Khanal and written by Singhe Lama and Mahesh Dawadi. The film is produced by Sharad...
Ke Ghar Ke Dera
Dilendra (Mukun Bhusal) strategically places himself in his political journey to engage in the political arena with admirable principles and ethical...
Aincho Paincho
Mahajatra unfolds the gripping tale of three men, bound by a tumultuous past, entrusted with the clandestine duty of concealing illicit funds. The...
Sameer Maharjan, born in a family Lakhey, is a bank manager. He regards Lakhey as Lord Indra and the protector of the community. His professional and...
Story of five friends Raja (Deepak Raj Giri), Saraswoti (Jeetu Nepal), Magne (Kedar Ghimire) and Buddhi (Buddhi Tamang). Raja is rich but illiterate...
Chhakka Panja
Although they are virtual strangers, a man and a woman consider entering into a fake marriage to achieve their individual aspirations.
Chhakka Panja 2
An innocent, poor and hardworking man Phadindra Timsina (Bipin Karki) finds a sack full of 3 Crores Nepalese rupees stolen from a bank. He then...
Three middle aged childhood friends Purne, Karne and Guna Prasad are still bachelor and want to get married and settled. Purne’s mother want to...
Mr. Jholay
An excellent portrayal of a struggle of a common man to do something in our discouraging system and society. Fantastic acting from the cast and well...
Jatrai Jatra is a Nepalese comedy drama film released in 2019 and is the sequel to the 2016 film Jatra. It is directed by Pradip Bhattarai. In the...
Jatrai Jatra