A story about of one of the darkest periods in German history, an era in which the belief in occult forces was widespread. In Bamberg, witch hunts...
Burning Souls
Nadia is in her late 30s and begins a serious relationship with a teen named Pierre.
Annas zweite Chance
Together with the ensemble of the Vienna Burgtheater, led by Kirsten Dene and Gusti Wolf, Franz Wittenbrink accounts in a wonderfully funny way with...
Mozart Werke Ges.m.b.H.
After a heart attack, a singer recovers in a sanatorium.
Schenk mir dein Herz
Kolleginnen - Für immer
To their big surprise, the capable waitress Gundula Kirchner receives from the estate owner Xaver Schönborn the offer to manage his stud as...
Alles Glück dieser Erde
A dramatic retelling of the life of Ludwig II, King of Bavaria, one of the most fascinating monarchs of modern times. From his accession to the...
Ludwig II
Lola controls her personal life with the same ruthless efficiency she uses to optimize profits in her job as a business consultant. But when a tragic...
The Ground Beneath My Feet
While World War One is coming to an end, the Social Democrat Friedrich Ebert is trying to maintain political stability in Berlin. In the haughty...
When Borchert receives an anonymous message that a certain Franz Brosi is innocent, law firm boss Dominique can hardly believe it. After all, Brosi...
Money. Murder. Zurich.: Borchert and the icy death