The story revolves around Avni and her dream of becoming a collector. So that her dream can be fulfilled by going to Mumbai, she gets a nod from the...
Fake Marriage
A young woman already in a secret relationship gets married to another man. To keep her lies undercover, chaos ensues.
Lagna Kallol
Pranay doesn't want to get married and Aanvi on the other hand doesn't want to get married too but she cannot tell that to her mother so they both...
Unn Sawali
Govind Pathak's son Abhay Pathak is held responsible for the death of his wife Suhasini. Govind, who wishes the young generation to give time and...
Juna Furniture
Set against the picturesque landscape of Konkan, Gharat Ganpati offers an endearing glimpse into the lives of the Gharat family.
Gharat Ganpati
The movie revolves around the world of a group of friends in their final year of graduation. With a passion for music, the friends' lives go on a...
Satrangi Re