Zona Zamfirova is set in the eastern Serbian city of Niš in the 19th century. The plot follows the story of Zona Zamfirova, a local rich man's...
Zamfir's Zona
"Izvan vremena" (eng. Out of Time) is a feature-length documentary film, which deals with the personality phenomenon of one of the most talented...
Out of Time
Combining folk music and traditional ways of singing with a full orchestral sound, Bilja Krstić and the Bistrik Orchestra give a fresh lease of...
Seven o'clock Strikes
A documentary about the late Macedonian musician Toše Proeski.
The Only One: Remembering Toše
The film "Wandering Hearts - Archive of Emotions" is a reminder of the time when Spomenka Djokic, Miroljub Jovanovic 'Mika Tambura' and Milan...
Wandering Hearts - Archive of Emotions