Attorney Claire Darrow defends an old colleague of her mother's for murder. Things get complex when Claire's romantic interest, Miles, is named as...
Darrow & Darrow: Witness to Murder
Set in a fictional medieval world, this is the story of Asbrey of Westender. Once a great heroic knight, he has mysteriously fallen from grace. One...
Fraternal twins Nikki and Nora are forced back into each other's lives when they inherit a detective agency. As they solve a murder, they realize...
Nikki & Nora: Sister Sleuths
Assigned to recover sensitive stolen data, a gruff FBI agent goes undercover as a kindergarten teacher, but the school's liberal, politically correct...
Kindergarten Cop 2
Cassie Temple accepts a job as a babysitter back home after her internship falls through, however she begins suspecting her employer is up to...
Baby Monitor Murders
Six years after a violent car crash claimed her parents' lives, Jesse is still trying to put her life back together. The situation is complicated by...
Rise of the Damned
An escaped serial killer and an attempt on Travis's life makes this their most dangerous case yet as Amy and Travis team up with his FBI agent ex to...
Mystery 101: Killer Timing
With Cara leaving on an international book tour in two weeks and Ben’s business expansion keeping him busy, the couple decides they won’t...
One Perfect Wedding
Reed Rodney, a disillusioned, world-famous novelist, is recovering at his remote mountain home from major reconstructive jaw surgery, which has...
Wired Shut