The film tells the tragic story of two recent college graduates, Tao Jianping ("Tao" is a homophone for peach), and Li Lilian ("Li" is a homophone...
Fate of Graduates
A novelist uses all his money to buy gifts for the woman he loves who in turn is also seeing a business man, using him for expensive presents. As a...
Scenes of City Life
1930's China. The village of a poor family is taken over by the occupying Japanese army. One son, Zhongliang, leaves his wife and young son to join a...
The Spring River Flows East
Storm on the Border
The life-story of Wu Xun, a beggar in the Qing dynasty who set up free schools for poor children.
The Life of Wu Xun
Twelve-year-old Hai Wa sends a secret letter containing Japanese military information to the Eight Route Army during the anti-Japanese war.
The Letter with Feathers
The sailors on a Kuomintang warship revolt, arrest their officers and defect to the Chinese People's Liberation Army.
Soul of the Sea
Hongse de zhongzi
Youngsters of the Time
Shanghai Over 24 Hours
Spring in the Jade Palace