Martin Sheen stars as an American newsman in Rome who begins to investigate the appearance of several corpses found throughout Europe with their...
Touch and Die
Exhibit A tells the timely story of a normal family disintegrating under financial pressure. All is not as it seems as the King family go about their...
Exhibit A
A romantic story about a few days from the life of Michel Legrand told by himself.
Five Days in June
Clara Bell is a busy Euro MP with a husband and child at home and a high powered career - but on a trip to Paris her ordered existence is overturned...
Paris by Night
A man beaten and kidnapped on his wedding day finds himself on a fast road to hellish revenge for a brutal crime he allegedly committed as a child.
Olivia, Irina and Masha are improving their acting skills. They no longer believe in Prince Charming, and their career is waning. Olivia works at the...
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