Wound is a supernatural horror that explores the dark worlds of mental illness, incest, revenge and death. We follow Tanya as she searches for the...
A group of women afflicted with a horrible disease (which forces them to cannibalism) try to support one another.
Dead Creatures
After a failed suicide attempt, Dawn (Jodie Jameson) is sent by her psychiatrist on a trip to recuperate. She visits an old family flat in a remote...
Venus Drowning
Sherwood forest has a courageous new hero - Gwyn, the daughter of Robin Hood. Possessing the cunning skills of her legendary father and the beauty...
Princess of Thieves
Composed of three disturbingly sensual and terrifying short narratives, unified by the twin themes of sex and death.
Little Deaths
A father searches for his daughter in Dublin's crime and prostitution underworld
'Do I Love You?' is a romantic philosophical comedy about life and the questions it throws at you.
Do I Love You?