A waitress, desperate to fulfill her dreams as a restaurant owner, is set on a journey to turn a frog prince back into a human being, but she has to...
The Princess and the Frog
Detective Klaski investigates the death and mutilation of three men and soon crosses paths with Remy, an entomologist. Soon, he discovers that she is...
Mimic 2
When things get tough for offbeat Carys Reitman, she does what any emotionally isolated, modern girl would do - she goes to strangers' funerals...
Letty Mayer, young and beautiful, has a cherished job as a teacher, a successful attorney boyfriend, and a tight knit family that is excited about...
Rand is a computer animator, who has created an artificial intelligence creature designed to interact with children and teach them responsibility....
The story of two immigrant couples: Teresa and Angelo; Pierina and Massimo. While fighting for survival in the new world, the unexpected love of...
The Quartet