Thứ, a teacher in an impoverished village of French occupied Vietnam, witnesses the daily tragedies and hardships his neighborhood has to...
Once Upon a Time in Vu Dai Village
Based on a short story by author Nguyen Sinh
To keep up with his public guise, Tư Chung considers marriage with his "girlfriend" and tries to flatter some trust out of the CIA advisors...
Saigon Rangers: Silence
Posing as a privileged man working for his wealthy industrialist uncle, Commander of the Saigon Rangers Tư Chung prepares with his comrades for...
Saigon Rangers: The Meeting Place
After the dangerous offensive launched on the embassy office in Saigon, Tư Chung and his comrades have to find ways to adapt to rising...
Saigon Rangers: Thunderstorm
The year 1968 approaches. Bubbling underneath festive spirits are quiet anticipations of a major escalation of conflict, alongside exciting dreams of...
Saigon Rangers: Return You Your Name