On location in Portugal, a film crew runs out of film while making their own version of Roger Corman's The Day the World Ended (1956). The producer...
The State of Things
The first emotions in love with a young man of seventeen: Thomas who understands that his life belongs to him at last. Four young women contribute to...
Under the Stars
Ruiz on the film: "I began La présence réelle (The Real Presence) first. I. N. A. had commissioned me to produce a personal vision of...
The Real Presence
In Voyage of a Hand, Ruiz constructs another of his concentric labyrinths that hits us right in the multifaceted center of our confusion. We might...
Voyage of a Hand
A small group of well-to-do vacationers go on a hiking trip into the woods. Foolishly unprepared to deal with Mother Nature and their situation, they...
The Territory
An attorney defends a young man on trial for killing his aunt — a psychiatrist who took him in to study possible homicidal tendencies.
Genealogies of a Crime
H., 35, an Arabian immigrant, works as projectionist in an old cinema. One day, drawn by the music, he looks through the window of the booth and is...
The Blind Owl