Based upon the true story of Olga Benário, the German-born wife of Brazilian communist leader Luís Carlos Prestes. During the...
Abdias Nascimento
After all the trouble in the first film, Tino and Jane have more fun adventures. Still tasting bitter failure, they see a light at the end of the...
Till Luck Do Us Part 2
After waking from a coma, Tino learns his future in-laws have given him a high-powered financial job, for which he is woefully unqualified.
Till Luck Do Us: Part 3
Heitor is a bachelor who shoots fancy weddings for a living, but gets in trouble when he meets Penélope, a woman desperate to stop her lover's...
Happily Married
Consequências Paralelas
20 years after running away together, Julio and Noeli have raised a family and run a successful business together. However, their marriage seems to...
A restaurant owner going over the edge when an armed robbery is attempted at his establishment. He holds everyone captive at gunpoint –...
Friendly Beast
A sudden mourning brings a woman to the edge of madness. Funeral procedures, heat and a neighbor that comes to water the plants, come together in an...
January 1st, 2003. When Brazil celebrates President Lula′s historic investiture, two middle-class, provincial families gather in an old, poorly...
To celebrate the life and the work of a multifaceted creator – playwright, poet, partner of the most important names of Brazilian pop music...
Vinicius de Moraes
Dreams and reality get mixed up in this sci-fi plot, focused on a photographer. When he photographs a terrorist attack during a trip to Jerusalem,...