In an apartment building in Beirut, on the last day of the year, seven characters start their day by visiting their psychologist as part of the...
Stable Unstable
Leba is a music instructor who lives in a small Lebanese town. Social pressure leads him to get married and have children. Lara, his beloved wife,...
After an emotional exchange between a Lebanese Christian and a Palestinian refugee escalates, the men end up in a court case that gets national...
The Insult
The movie revolves around Mohsen El-Saagh who decides to challenge his clan in order to win the heart of Haifa, in the midst of the struggle of the...
For the elderly man preparing for his grandson’s wedding in Manon Nammour’s film, the accelerating rate of change in Beirut threatens to...
Sief is a conman who is hired by the beautiful rich woman, Hala, to help her get her money back from another conman. Their relationship gets them...
The Money