When wanted outlaw and long-time friend of the local Sheriff rides into town, they try to reconcile their past while concealing his presence from the...
The Ballad of the Westwind Kid
Four best friends, on the brink of starting middle school, realize their lives are about to change forever. So on the last weekend of summer, they...
When Kassie and her friends stumble across an old, broken pocket watch they begin an unexpected journey to unlock the secret of the legendary...
K-9 Adventures: Legend of the Lost Gold
Luke Perry stars in this heartwarming "tail." Kassie, her friends and her dog, Scoot, organize a holiday fundraiser, but must protect the cash from...
K-9 Adventures: A Christmas Tale
The Prophet Joseph Smith is dead, killed by a mob. Enemies of the LDS Church think the church will die with Joseph. In fact, that danger is a real...
Six Days in August
Were the eleven official witnesses—twelve if you include Joseph Smith himself—of the Book of Mormon reliable? What about the unofficial...
Undaunted: Witnesses of the Book of Mormon