The film, set in the 1980s, is centred upon a young student, from 1982 as a freshman and ending in 1986. The background is the last years of Martial...
Philippine Science
Hospital worker Conan (Vhong Navarro) is hopelessly in love with a sexy and beauteous nurse named Ellen (Bangs Garcia). He is on friendly terms with...
Rico Suave is the ultimate ladies' man - or so it seems. His secret problem: when he gets intimate with a girl, his entire body freezes. When Rico's...
Mr. Suave
"Dayo" follows the adventure of 11-year-old Bubuy as he tries to save his grandparents who have been abducted and brought to Elementalia, a...
The Wanderer
A story about two gays who experienced a miracle.
Joanna meets single father Albert and his baby Pippa on a bus. When she gets off the bus, Joanna accidentally leaves her photograph behind with her...
Till There Was You