The story revolves around a group of teenage boys. When one of them suddenly gets a chance to make a pact with the devil things shift quickly in...
Bimbo Bambino
"Assisted Living", by Nikanor Teratologen, originally released in Sweden 1992 as "Äldreomsorgen i Övre Kågedalen" immediately caused...
Teratologens återkomst
Three women discuss their experiences of oppression, self-esteem and being able to dictate their living conditions themselves.
A gritty story taking place in Stockholm, about the passionate love between the self-abusive Sebastian who wants to be a woman, and the easy-going...
Something Must Break
Dyke Hard is a failed rock group travelling to a battle of the bands competition in the big city. The journey is further filled with bizarre, fierce...
Dyke Hard
A junkie gets violated, castrated, chopped and murdered.