While the prestigious Cannes Film Festival goes on around him, American movie producer Jesse Craig struggles to develop a pitch-worthy thriller about...
Evening in Byzantium
The legendary true story of a small band of soldiers who sacrificed their lives in hopeless combat against a massive army in order to prevent a...
The Alamo
A black family leaves the ghetto of Detroit to look for a better life in Los Angeles.
Love Is Not Enough
A policewoman who was raped forms a vigilante group of various rape victims. They abduct and castrate men who have committed repeated violations of...
The Ladies Club
Originally broadcast in short weekly installments as part of the series "Clilffhangers," The World of Dracula is a collection of segments edited...
The World of Dracula
A group of dancers congregate on the stage of a Broadway theatre to audition for a new musical production directed by Zach. After the initial...
A Chorus Line