Central Avenue thrived as a Black entertainment metropolis of Los Angeles during the 1920s through the mid-1950s. While it is often assumed that...
Beyond Central Avenue: Contemporary Female Jazz Instrumentalists of Los Angeles
If you've ever listened to pop music from the 1960s and early 1970s, you've heard the (probably uncredited) work of The Wrecking Crew. The Wrecking...
Carol Kaye: Pioneer and Session Legend
A celebration of the musical work of a group of session musicians known as "The Wrecking Crew." a band that provided back-up instrumentals to such...
The Wrecking Crew
This film tells (using modern day interviews and archival footage and sound tapes) the story of how in 1967, while his band The Beach Boys...
Beautiful Dreamer: Brian Wilson and the Story of Smile
All too often, every great female rock musician has to answer a predictable question - what is it like being a girl in a band? For many, the sight...
Girl in a Band: Tales from the Rock 'n' Roll Front Line