After the death of his father, a boy growing up on a lunar mining colony takes a trip to explore a legendary crater, along with his four best...
After a terrifying encounter at an abandoned government test site, a small town family man begins seeing haunting visions of a past that threatens to...
Jaded 74-year-old lizard Leo has been stuck in the same Florida classroom for decades with his terrarium-mate turtle. When he learns he only has one...
When her husband has a mental breakdown and goes missing, a determined woman and her young son set out to find him on the streets, sparking a...
5000 Blankets
After 12 years in prison, former high school football star Eddie Palmer returns home to put his life back together—and forms an unlikely bond...
A young baseball player has his dreams of pitching for a Little League travel team derailed by a devastating injury on the field.
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