This teenage comedy, based on star Jen Li's experience as a 16-year-old in a UK boarding school, intimately portrays the clash between Anglo-Saxon...
Life, Translated
One seedy, middle-of-nowhere hotel room -- viewed at three different points in time -- is the scene of most of the action in this film noir that...
Rule of Three
After suffering a brutal trauma, Julia uses an unorthodox form of therapy to restore herself.
Despite an unrivaled talent for communicating, Jake has trouble talking to women. When an impossible situation presents itself, Jake ignores the...
The Hyperglot
A hotel manager in Beijing, China, must tame an American guest who may not even be human.
Honeymoon Suite
It’s 1941 and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor has destroyed America’s morale. The US President Franklin D. Roosevelt then decides to...
The Chinese Widow
A young cameraman receives a letter from an old girlfriend, announcing that she is to hold a photo exhibition in the United States. Having heard...
Collage of Our Lives