A young black woman in England becomes increasingly frustrated with her life with her lazy, demanding boyfriend, and with the help of friends seeks...
Burning an Illusion
Octavius Caesar (later renamed Augustus Caesar, son of the murdered Julius Caesar), Marc Antony, and Lepidus form the triumvirate, the three rulers...
Antony & Cleopatra
The tumultuous life of the controversial 1960s black revolutionary (and convicted murderer) Michael X is illustrated by a kaleidoscopic melding of...
Who Needs a Heart
A watchmaker finds his livelihood is threatened by cheaply imported digital watches.
Cries from a Watchtower
MIRIAM: "Here we are; celebrating a marriage, eating a cake, drinking, standing in a uniform, standing in a canteen ... with a Teasmade and a red red...
Can a convicted murderer genuinely repent and reform? If you were the prison authorities, would you find it easy to decide if he should be released?
In England's Green and Pleasant Land