Town Mall 2 is an adaptation of the famous horror novel 'Town Mall'. This film revolves around the mystical story of Ariani's life which eventually...
Town Mall 2
A young warrior decides to prove himself by harvesting the heads of ruthless opponents of his longhouse community.
Born in Kashmir, Ummar was sent by his mother to live with his aunt in Malaysia. There, he becomes acquitted and slowly develops a relationship with...
I'm Not a Terrorist
Zaidi is a teacher, whose mother is a wealthy widow who wants her own granddaughter and often pressures him to remarry because he and his wife,...
Anak Perjanjian Syaitan
An accident that befalls Izam, a paralympic athlete who competes in wheelchair racing, causes a fight between two fellow wheelchair racers, Jasmin...
Tell about Danny, Mail and Awe who have to find a way to get money to cover the cost of surgery for those who are critical of the hospital. Using...
Last Kopek Havoc