After chasing the mysterious Kamen Rider Dark Ghost, who had suddenly appeared, Takeru Tenkuji arrives at a strange village full of historical...
Kamen Rider Ghost: The 100 Eyecons and Ghost’s Fateful Moment
Kami usagi rope: tsuka, natsuyasumi lasuichitte majissuka!?
When an alluring young woman joins an erotic writing class, she begins a game of sexual cat and mouse with a naïve college student. As they...
Moon and Cherry
The story of Henri Mitowa, a 93-year old Japanese monk, who wants to make a movie based on his own life.
Zen and Bones
When Yura's family moves from Tokyo to the countryside, he enters a Christian school, a religion he knows nothing about. Yura struggles to understand...
Hajime Onuki (Ryuhei Maruyama) was a thief, but he now works as a welder and lives happily with his girlfriend. Hajime Onuki is threatened by a...
The Stand-In Thief
A shopping arcade in a working-class Tokyo neighborhood filled with Baki fans comes under threat when an unscrupulous corporation tries to take over.
Graffreeter Toki
As the end approaches for Japan’s age of military rule, the Tokugawa shogunate brings together a squad of ruthless assassins to defend its...
Samurai of the Dead