Hotel franchise conglomerate Debraj Singh murders his partner Bipasha Mitra's stepbrother, Ashoke. Kolkata Police detective Ekendra Sen solves the...
The Eken
Subrata Sharma, an ordinary crime reporter, loses his job and takes up temporary work as a secretary in a rundown detective agency called Danny...
Revolver Rohoshyo
A loner in a city must make a choice to avoid trouble.
The Goldfish Who Swam Out of the Fish
The very first film of our Mini series 'Balloonwala'
As a series of seemingly supernatural incidents shock Bengal, a private investigator, K hunts for the truth lurking in the shadows of Kolkata.
K: Secret Eye
Buro Johnson
Tekka is the story of Iqlakh, a janitor who has lost his job and is out to get it back by holding a schoolgirl hostage in a building. ACP Maya comes...