Paranormal Investigator, Chris Halton, embarks on a journey to discover the myth and the legend behind the Witches of Essex. This Paranormal...
The Witches of Essex
An investigation into the hauntings at the Rectory and Church.
The Legend of Borley Rectory & Church
A day and night paranormal investigation in a very actively haunted church
The Hauntings of Old Santon
The life and times of a male witch
James Murrell A Cunning Man
A looking at the famous cemetery
A Haunting at Bachelor's Grove
A look a Napoleonic era tower
The Haunted Tower
A look at the life of M. R. James
The Ghosts of M.R James
The ghostly histoy of the forest
Some Epping Forest Legends
A look at a haunted town
The Ghosts of Dunwich
A haunting at St Mary the Virgin Church.
Church of the Dead
Chris Halton investigates the ghosts stories of a small English village. Also known as Village Folklore.
England's Most Haunted Village: An Investigation of Pluckley, Kent