With the oppressive climate of 1970s South Africa as the backdrop, this erotic biopic tells the story of Glenda Kemp (playing herself), a former...
Snake Dancer
South African Film
Decision to Die
40 Days
Daan and his brother, Dingetjie, travel to Cape Town in search of Doctor McDonald to cure Dingetjie's shy nature. They encounter a conman who...
Dingetjie & Idi
Niek and Joe share a history and a secret from their time together in the Angola War in the late 80s. Today, Niek and Joe work for TJ Mokoena, but...
Egoli: The Movie
Hans van Rensburg and Gert Kruger declare ware against Trans-Afrika Mynontwikkelings because they want to change the bushveld into a minedump. The...
Bosveld Hotel ... Die Moewie
A final year medical student goes on the run after bring implicated in the hit and run death of a fellow student.
Eendag Vir Altyd