Eva, a resilient and alluring young woman jockey, infiltrates the stables of Pope Healy, a wealthy racing magnate. Determined to get revenge on...
All About Eva
After a robbery gets out of hand, Joey and Wayne flee Dublin with a cash-filled biscuit tin that needs hiding.
Joey Had Never Been Out Of The City
A pair of professional but mismatched criminals break into an house with a dark past thats about to make its presence felt. Their story interwines...
Night People
ANTHONY (8)- A young school child who is struggling with Dyslexia is constantly belittled, ignored and bullied by his class mates, teachers and even...
Hidden Potential
Dave Connolly is a respected member of the Garda Síochána but his loyalty to the law gets tested by his ex-convict brother Joe who is...
Broken Law
In the near future, a surveillance expert takes on an assignment that may prove to be his downfall.
Ninety Seconds