Follows two friends, Juan and David, they will find themselves on a rooftop terrace after an intense party in Madrid. Juan witnesses David falling to...
The Fantastic Golem Affairs
After a year of long-distance, Raquel and Ares reunite on a steamy beach trip. Faced with fresh flirtations and insecurities, will their love prevail?
Through My Window: Across the Sea
Hungry for sun, light and warmth, a group of teenagers embark on a dream trip to the Balearic Islands.
Daydreaming So Vividly About Our Spanish Holidays
Raquel and Maika are two neighbors who have been at war for 10 years. The former has been diagnosed with a mental illness. The second struggles to...
Rubio cobrizo
El talento
Isabel has become a widow at 65. After stealing the urn of ashes, Isabel takes refuge in a park to say goodbye to the love of her life, her wife,...
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