In 1958 Angelo, a rich and spoiled boy, enters a religious school, where students are tired of its vice-rector, and the strict rules and...
In the Name of the Father
Reg Park returns to his antics of old as the man of iron in HERCULES THE AVENGER. The Son of Jove undertakes another journey into the nether realms...
Hercules the Avenger
A bachelor attorney with a roving eye for beautiful women stets his sights on a Young student for his next amorous conquest.
Baby Doll
La resa dei conti: dal Gran Consiglio al processo di Verona
A bourgeois family man falls in love with an uninhibited hippie girl who just wants to have fun and enjoy a libertine lifestyle. She makes him suffer...
Sweet Kisses and Languid Caresses
Caio Gracco
World War II soldiers enter Sicily to seize German arms supply only to discover there is not a gun in sight.
Operation Snafu