A German Shepherd Dog named Rain is trained to fight in the Vietnam War and his intelligence and courage in the face of adversity wins the respect...
In the tradition of The Twilight Zone, this bizarre, thought-provoking trilogy addresses the destiny of the world's minorities: Part I: A...
Cosmic Slop
In the mid-80s, three women (each with an attorney) arrive at the office of New York entertainment manager, Morris Levy. One is an L.A. singer,...
Why Do Fools Fall In Love
After leading his football team to 15 winning seasons, coach Bill Yoast is demoted and replaced by Herman Boone – tough, opinionated and as...
Remember the Titans
Members of a Yorkshire branch of the Women's Institute cause controversy when they pose nude for a charity calendar.
Calendar Girls
Jeff Lucas is already an outcast, but when he makes a horror film instead of a documentary for his class project, the ridicule his classmates inflict...
Dead Above Ground
A rock band gets stuck on a haunted farm while visiting its lead singer's family.
A teenager ends up being hounded by a well-groomed and seemingly cute and tiny dog that actually turns out to be a nightmare of a beast.