Podi Eka, a village teenager without any education living with his poverty-stricken mother and sister. He cannot even write Amma (mother) Akka...
Sasitha works as the underpaid delivery man for Giftnet, an Internet based business which accepts gift orders from outside Sri Lanka. Suffocated by...
A Coincidental meeting of a Soldier and an Army officer at a dark night, in a forest burning with war, between Sri Lankan Army and the Liberation...
Under the Sun and Moon
Rathi is pregnant and waits for her boyfriend, who is a soldier. In one of his visits on leave, Rathi tells him about her pregnancy. Soon after, she...
The Wind Birds
Malan is a jobless 25 year-old youth who spends his days playing cricket with friends. He suffers from an irrational fear of ghosts and retreats to...
Maya 3D
The film starts with a release of peoples' vote of government election, where Rajamanthri (Vijaya) lost his seat and crying with his allies. However,...
Suhada Koka
An illiterate and sexually frustrated young man finds himself attracted to a chic woman from the city who has come to his rural village as a school...
Mee Haraka - මී හරකා
Vadeesha Devaminda Wickramanayaka is a highly creative and sensitive young music student in his school. A special love letter that he finds...
Butterfly Symphony