Jack Torrance accepts a caretaker job at the Overlook Hotel, where he, along with his wife Wendy and their son Danny, must live isolated from the...
The Shining
Based on the autobiography of G. Gordon Liddy who spent 54 months in prison following the Watergate scandal.
Will: G. Gordon Liddy
Directed and edited by Stanley Kubrick's daughter Vivian Kubrick, this film offers a look behind the scenes during the making of The Shining.
Making 'The Shining'
It’s hard for a boy not to get excited when his dad gets a new job as Senior Chief Night Manager at Charbay’s Chicken World and...
The Chickening
The story of Leon Vitali, who surrendered his promising acting career to become Stanley Kubrick's devoted right-hand man.
Still scarred by the trauma he endured as a child at the Overlook Hotel, Dan Torrance faces the ghosts of the past when he meets Abra, a courageous...
Doctor Sleep