Caught up in a symbiotic relationship with her father, Inès (20 years old) embarks on a difficult path to try to escape from this imposing man...
In a city infested with the LIVING-IMPAIRED aka non-cannibal zombies - three slackers after easy money must fight small-time crooks and an evil...
We Are Zombies
Emerging Montreal drag queen Simon must deal with two impossible loves: a passionate, yet destructive affair with Oliver and a cold relationship with...
In a secluded cabin surrounded by untrodden snow, a man delves into his childhood memories with his father. Nothing can disrupt this moment of...
Damien Nadeau-Daneau, a young filmaker, is unable to finish a movie he started with french actor Denis Lavant. Indebted, he’s working at a...
My Intelligent Comedy
Do you remember your first trip? Not the one you made at 5 years old with your parents to the East Coast of the United States. I mean the first time...