In this luminous tale set in the former Yugoslavia, Perhan, an engaging young Romany with telekinetic powers, is seduced by the quick-cash world of...
Time of the Gypsies
Tito's break-up with Stalin in 1948 marked the beginning of not only confusing, but also very dangerous years for many hard-core Yugoslav communists....
When Father Was Away on Business
A group of Serbian socialists prepares for the war in a surreal underground filled by parties, tragedies, love and hate.
A group of thieves return from Western Europe to Sarajevo during Christmas and New Year holidays. Back home they meet some old friends, their...
Holiday in Sarajevo
The last film made in Yugoslavia, tells a story about Sarajevo during the last days of Europe, better known as the "Belle Epoque", between the years...
The Last Waltz in Sarajevo
A three-part anthology film. Story 1: A released convict traces his girlfriend and other people who were responsible for his imprisonment. Story 2:...
Be Damned, America
Adventures of an idealistic old Communist whose treasured watch is stolen by a magpie but who overcomes all difficulties.
The Magpie Strategy