Hunter, a young autistic man who has just relocated to New York City, finds himself in the middle of a hot and sweaty New York summer struggling to...
Ordinary World
Leopold De Angeli is a talented playwright, but like many scribes he fancies the drink a little too much. In the hopes of saving Leopold's life, his...
Whiskey School
A New York stockbroker introduces a girlfriend to his buddy from out of town, then regrets it.
A serial killer is stalking New York. Inspector Edward X. Delaney is an NYPD detective, nearing retirement, who is trying to put together the pieces...
The First Deadly Sin
Virginia embarks on a quest for freedom during the last explosive weekend of Coney Island's renowned amusement park. After the reappearance of her...
Lucky Days
Wendy the witch has low self-esteem. She doesn’t believe she has any witch power until she makes a new friend who convinces her try something...
The Witch Who Was Afraid of Witches
New York City police detective Anthony is torn between following the rules and being a good son. Caretaker of his debilitated mother Joyce, Tony...
Bad for Good