Winner of the Tromadance/Kodak Independent Soul Award, Giuseppe Andrews’ Dribble is a short film set in the director's trailer park.
"Touch Me In The Morning" is the story of "Coney Island McGuire" a "change of life baby" son of an alcoholic jail bird father and "flatulence freak"...
Touch Me in the Morning
When we first meet the characters from Golden Embers, they are people in transition. One is a bride to be, hoping her ex-addict brother can stay...
Golden Embers
Nothing more than a simple set up – four of Andrews’ company getting smashed in a seedy hotel room – this improvised look at men...
Jacuzzi Rooms
60 year old widow and cystic fibrosis sufferer Daisy (Gayle Wells) hooks up with crack addicted lonely ex-cop Rick (Walt Dongo) in a trailer park...
In Our Garden