Goes deep into the heart of Britain’s New Romantics scene, tracing how a group of outsiders transformed London's underground art and music...
Documentary about British artist Andrew Logan as he attempts to put on the 2009 edition of his Alternative Miss World. The film also presents a...
The British Guide to Showing Off
A collage of Derek Jarman's super 8 footage spanning over 20 years.
Rome, AD 303. Emperor Diocletian demotes his favourite, Sebastian, from captain of the palace guard to the rank of common soldier and banishes him to...
Queen Elizabeth I visits late 1970s England to find a depressing landscape where life has changed since her time.
A short film by Derek Jarman.
Duggie Fields
A filmed record of a bizarre garden party organized to pay a fine incurred by singer Ulla for "liberating a chandelier from Harrods."
Ulla's Fete
In the 1960s, British painter Francis Bacon surprises a burglar and invites him to share his bed. The burglar, a working class man named George Dyer,...
Love Is the Devil: Study for a Portrait of Francis Bacon