Relive the iconic show that defined a generation. With a documentary special hosted by Dylan Lewis and exclusive extras that takes a nostalgic trip...
Recovery: The Music and the Mayhem
A little kid stranded, growing up in a country town he hates. The locals reckon it's a paradise, but as far as he can see, the only interesting stuff...
A short film directed by Chris Begley and Tony D'Aquino.
Like It Is
Al Pacino, Sean Connery and Arnold Schwarzenegger together on film for the first time. Well, almost...Ralph Easton has a few personal problems, he's...
The Real Thing
Teen-aged sisters Jude and Maureen, living with their volatile father in Montréal, live a life of substance abuse, hustling and petty theft....
Saint Jude
Caffeine addict Mitchell hasn't slept for three days. On a late night search for coffee he reluctantly takes over security duties at a 24-hour...
Ethan, a sullen high-school student whose life is defined by what he hates, finds love with a blindly optimistic Christian girl Trinity, much to the...
EMO the Musical
Sample People is an upbeat dramatic thriller that follows four groups of Sydney-siders as they seek escape routes over one sweltering weekend. 'Len...
Sample People