Featuring the clash between modern thinking against traditional conservatism, the story has the troubled romance between the noble princess, RA...
Kris Mataram
Rohaya (Roekiah) must separate from her lover, Kasim (Rd Mochtar), so that she can marry her father's choice, the disreputable but rich Musa (Eddie...
Terang Boelan
The people of Motaro live in prosperity. The beauty of the island, Fatima, is romantically involved with Idris, a fisherman's son. This ideal...
Djoeriah is a child movie star, born in 1932, who would later be known as Djoeriah Karno (wife of Rendra Karno). Djoeriah also co-starred in Poelo...
Moestika dari Djemar
According to the artist, Nasroen AS, the story used for this film is not his work. Yet Populer Film named him on the title credits to gain publicity....
Garoeda Mas
add the plot.
Boedjoekan Iblis
A propaganda film which tells us about the daily life of Indonesian people under Japanese military occupation. Showing a happy life as a voluntary...
Di Desa
Anang, Saman and Ahmad are three best friends from a village in Subang. Anang and Ahmad fall in love with Saman's sister, Hasanah. When the call for...