The film chronicles the exploits of the title character, Charlie, played by Raymond J. Barry (Training Day) a career criminal intent on scoring one...
Charlie Valentine
A camera crew has the unique opportunity to record Satan in his natural habitat and it looks like he's quite happy with it. He has the perfect job,...
Good Satan
A couple loses their only child in an accident and subsequently unknowingly adopts an innocent looking little girl with paranormal powers that she...
Paranormal Adoption
A serial killer finds an angelic escape from madness in the distorted love of an exotic dancer. Her only demand? Exterminate her brutal companion.
Love, Guns & Christmas is a dark comedy about two men in the witness protection program. After a few years in hiding, they sneak back into town for...
Love, Guns & Christmas
Tom, a brooding male escort, meets a stunning young woman (Zara) at a bar. Believing her to be a new client he takes her to a hotel. Following their...
Pros & Cons