Five family depictions, five disrupted balances. An anthology which broach subjects such as mourning, family toxicity, the lack of parents/children...
Family Roland lives in Etretat. Jeanne, the youngest, inherits Mr Marechal's fortune, a friend of the parents. Pierre the elder brother, bogged down...
Pierre & Jeanne
A man walks with a shopping cart between the garbage containers and looking for bargains, just as usual. But this day is not as usual. He hears...
J'me sens poubelle
Marc, owner of a pretty mansion in Normandy, suffers from a form of dementia: he loses the meaning of words and he travels in his imagination to Asia...
The Journey of the Hippocampus
Pierre is 25 when he returns from Wyoming to his fiancée and take over the family farm. Twenty years later, the farm expanded and so did the...
In the Name of the Land